
英語活動「蟲前說故事」 English activity Stories Before Bugs

本校圖書館與 Rolling Books 及 Ki2zoo 合作,舉行英語活動「蟲前說故事」,進行自然動物課,內容包括觀察接觸及實體鑑賞,帶領同學走入神奇動物世界,學懂「尊重他人」、「責任感」等重要價值觀,激發對自然科學的興趣。

Our school library collaborates with Rolling Books and Ki2zoo to hold an English activity “Stories Before Bugs”, conducting a natural animal class. The content includes observation, hands-on contact, and physical appreciation, leading students into the magical world of animals. It teaches important values such as “Respecting for Others” and “Responsibility” and stimulate interest in natural sciences.

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